Brain Waves Blog

3 Ways Social Listening Aligns Athletics & Central Marcom: Brand Insights

3 Ways Social Listening Aligns Athletics and Central Marcom

January 22, 2024

Athletics and central marcom rarely join in strategic cohesion on campus. Fragmentation and political territorialism have frequently led institutions to detach athletics from the central brand, freeing teams for more flexibility and creativity, but often at the expense of collaboration and consistency. It’s a key reason we see so many bland higher ed ads promoting undergraduate enrollment during high-profile games. Yet there are signs more forward-thinking marketing leaders are unlocking the full power of their brands’ potential using common data-led decision-making.

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Brain Waves Blog: Guiding the Way: Mastering Effective Reporting to Leadership

Guiding the Way: Mastering Effective Reporting to Leadership

August 30, 2023

“We report quarterly, but no one really gives feedback.” “Our information goes into an annual board report, and we’re not sure if anyone even reads it.” “We work hard, but don’t always feel seen.” “We have a new leader coming in and want to position our team’s value effectively.” We hear comments like these all the time, and campus communicators are genuinely concerned their efforts are lost in the sea of competing priorities. 

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Brain Waves Blog: How to Set You Team Up for Success

How to Set Your Team Up for Success

June 28, 2023

As a marketing leader you have a lot on your plate. Between managing competing goals, responding to urgent requests, attending last minute meetings, satisfying tight deadlines, and more—it’s a lot. That’s why support is critical to your success as a leader and campus. Setting your team up with the right tools and resources empowers you to achieve your goals.

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