Brain Waves Blog

Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 2, Strategy Insights

Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 2

April 17, 2024

In Campus Sonar’s latest industry trends report on “Rebuilding Trust in Higher Ed,” we explored the gap between trust and value to understand what audiences discuss about a college degree using social intelligence. We focused on how audiences explain the purpose of higher ed, the value of a degree based on current outcomes, and how those outcomes could evolve if trust and values aligned. 

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Presidents and Boards Need Social Intelligence: Strategy Insights

Presidents and Boards Need Social Intelligence

April 10, 2024

You’ve been giving your president and board the wrong information from social media, and you need to fix it as soon as possible. I’ve spent the last few weeks listening carefully to trustees, current and former presidents, and the people who advise them. These were positive conversations, but they revealed a huge gap. One former president put it plainly.

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Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 1, Strategy Insights

Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 1

April 10, 2024

In Campus Sonar’s latest industry trends report on “Rebuilding Trust in Higher Ed,” we explored the gap between trust and value to understand what audiences discuss about a college degree using social intelligence. We focused on how audiences explain the purpose of higher ed, the value of a degree based on current outcomes, and how those outcomes could evolve if trust and values aligned. 

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What's the Brand Value of a College Degree? Brand Insights

What's the Brand Value of a College Degree?

March 26, 2024

At a macro level, the value of a college degree is a constant topic in higher ed. At a micro level, you invariably need to consider how that value relates to your institution’s brand. There are many indicators of value, as well as internal and external factors contributing to this drop in confidence. But, as contributing expert Mallory Willsea shares, the decline is countered by research from Axios that college grads have significantly higher earning potential—indicating that perception doesn't match reality when it comes to the value of a degree. We see this same gap in perception in our latest research on rebuilding trust in higher education.

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Reddit IPO Implications for Higher Ed Leaders Seeking to Rebuild Trust

Reddit IPO Implications for Higher Ed Leaders Seeking to Rebuild Trust

March 7, 2024

Reddit filed to go public on the New York Stock Exchange last month, and I paid close attention. Its prospectus highlights the impact the anonymous forum site has on public trust—and how higher education leaders can leverage the insight within its 17 billion posts and comments to rebuild trust and inform a proactive, audience-centric market strategy. Higher education didn’t understand the impact Facebook would have on its operations when it went public over a decade ago. Don’t make the same mistake with Reddit. Here’s what you need to know.

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Listen to Lead the Way: Audience Insights to Guide Your FAFSA Response

Listen to Lead the Way: Audience Insights Guide Your FAFSA Response

February 21, 2024

It’s no secret by now that the redesign and relaunch of the FAFSA form at the federal level has caused stress and confusion for higher ed leaders and college-going families alike. Staff and administrators are navigating frequent updates and shifting processes and timelines; and further uncertainty about aid and finances has added to the worries prospective students already feel about affording a degree. (Our national industry listening continues to reveal scholarships and financial aid as top topics discussed online in terms of the college decision-making process.)

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