Stop Defending, Start Serving: 4 Ways to Rebuild Trust in Higher Ed, Strategy Insights

Stop Defending, Start Serving: 4 Ways to Rebuild Trust in Higher Ed

We don’t need another study proclaiming that public trust in colleges and universities is at an all-time low in our country. The conclusions are predictable, and so is the response; a defense of higher education as it always has been, often putting the blame on the public who just doesn’t get why it’s so important. Defending, rather than listening to understand, is doing more harm than good.

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Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 2, Strategy Insights

Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 2

In Campus Sonar’s latest industry trends report on “Rebuilding Trust in Higher Ed,” we explored the gap between trust and value to understand what audiences discuss about a college degree using social intelligence. We focused on how audiences explain the purpose of higher ed, the value of a degree based on current outcomes, and how those outcomes could evolve if trust and values aligned. 

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Presidents and Boards Need Social Intelligence: Strategy Insights

Presidents and Boards Need Social Intelligence

You’ve been giving your president and board the wrong information from social media, and you need to fix it as soon as possible. I’ve spent the last few weeks listening carefully to trustees, current and former presidents, and the people who advise them. These were positive conversations, but they revealed a huge gap. One former president put it plainly.

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Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 1, Strategy Insights

Leadership Strategies for Rebuilding Trust on Campus: Part 1

In Campus Sonar’s latest industry trends report on “Rebuilding Trust in Higher Ed,” we explored the gap between trust and value to understand what audiences discuss about a college degree using social intelligence. We focused on how audiences explain the purpose of higher ed, the value of a degree based on current outcomes, and how those outcomes could evolve if trust and values aligned. 

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