Is the future of higher ed leadership less focused on the president?

Over the past year, I’ve noticed an emerging trend in conversations about leadership in higher education. More and more people are saying something I never expected to hear so often:
“I thought I wanted to be a college president. I was on the path. Now I don’t.”
I’ve said it myself.
It’s not hard to understand why—you might even be reading this as a college president.
Being a college president has always been a demanding, high-pressure role. Short tenures, a constant state of crisis management, and a relentless focus on external pressures have defined the position for years. These challenges are nothing new, but they’ve become increasingly amplified as public trust in higher education erodes and the perception of what presidents can truly accomplish diminishes.
In this context, it’s no wonder talented, ambitious leaders are rethinking their paths.
Still, there are bright spots. Higher ed leadership is evolving, albeit slowly. We’re finally seeing greater diversity in who has the opportunity to serve in top roles. The traditional faculty-dean-provost pipeline is no longer the only path to the presidency, opening doors for a broader range of voices and perspectives.
Yet even with this progress, the growing chorus of “no, not me” raises an important question: Are we finally realizing that the weight, effort, and cost we’ve placed on the presidency is too much for one person to bear?
The truth is that presidents have never singularly determined the trajectory of their institutions. The idea that one person can do so is a symptom of the problem, not its solution.
An institution’s future rests on the collective efforts of its entire leadership team, from mid-level managers to senior executives. It requires collaboration, shared vision, and a willingness to engage diverse perspectives. Leadership is not about one individual at the top; it’s about the synergy of a well-functioning team.
This shift in thinking may be why some of the most talented people in higher education are saying:
“I want to be part of an amazing team—and I don’t need to be at the top to make a difference.”
This mindset marks a critical pivot for the presidency: collective ownership of leadership, the institution, and the strategic plan. Underpinning all this is belief in and access to timely, relevant data that informs crucial leadership decisions, such as social intelligence.
By focusing less on the institution’s president and more on the strength, collaboration, and resourcing of the entire team—not just the highest levels of leadership—we can create a more sustainable, resilient model for the future.
This shift is a hopeful sign as someone who has spent decades in higher ed leadership and now serves as an executive in residence at Campus Sonar. It acknowledges that leadership isn’t about heroics or singular influence—it’s about collective impact and shared responsibility.
Higher ed doesn’t need saviors. It needs leaders willing to roll up their sleeves, work together, and embrace the idea that meaningful change comes from a team effort—not just from the president’s office.
Perhaps this evolution is precisely what higher education needs to face the challenges ahead.