Brain Waves Blog

Brain Waves Blog: Social Listening Trends for Higher Ed

Social Listening Trends for Higher Ed

January 12, 2022

With social listening you collect the conversation as it happens, offering opportunities to understand what’s happening now so you can make changes for the future. But the real power comes with the ongoing analysis and context that allows you to better understand your baseline conversation and create personal benchmarks, track seasonal changes, evaluate the effects of crises, and measure the impact of new campaigns. 

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Brain Waves Blog: Elements of a Strategic Charcuterie Board

Elements of a Strategic Charcuterie Board

December 1, 2021

As many of our readers already know (or can easily guess from the Social Strategy Fundamentals episode I recently hosted), I’m a huge fan of strategy. That’s why I’m excited to work with natural strategists like ours at Campus Sonar every day. Our team of strategists not only develops deep client relationships, but also intuitively looks at each client’s goals from all angles to find the best way to reach them.

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Brain Waves Blog: Making the Switch from Software to Sonarians

Making the Switch from Software to Sonarians

September 22, 2021

At Campus Sonar, we take perhaps too much pride in telling the world that we’re NOT a software company. It is within social media management software, however, where most of our clients accomplish their listening prior to living the #SonarianLife. For some, incorporating Campus Sonar into an existing tech stack feels redundant. For others, transitioning away from these products to Campus Sonar can feel daunting. So we sat down with three campus pros who made the switch from listening with social media management software to Campus Sonar. We asked them about their tech stack prior to Campus Sonar, making the move from software to Sonarians, and what life has looked like since the move.

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Brain Waves Blog: How Clients Use Campus Sonar Strategic Partnerships: Tracking Strategic Priorities

How Clients Use Partnerships: Tracking Strategic Priorities

August 4, 2021

For marketing and communications professionals, each semester can bring anywhere from several hundred to a hundred thousand plus public online mentions about their respective campus. And yet, most marketers only report on the social and news content they produce. That’s not the case for Angela Polec, La Salle University’s Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing, and Communications. 

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